Thursday, May 22, 2014

Two interesting articles on the power (or lack there of) Facebook

I found two articles this week about Facebook's power (or lack there of). The first was about internet marketing. It contained some data collected from businesses on their use of social media.

Marketers use of Facebook

Nearly 97% of marketers use Facebook for B2C marketing when 57% don't believe it even works. That seems like a waste of resources! The article also says that only 1% of marketers are using Snap Chat. One thing that I found very fascinating is that just last week Walt Disney World unveiled their plan to begin using Snap Chat in their social media marketing.

Snap Chat for Disney World

From my experience, I find that the younger generation (high school and college age) are turning much more towards Twitter and Snap Chat. CNBC had an article that contained little to no scientific data about UCLA students' views on social media.

UCLA Students & Snap Chat

They certainly seem to be turning to the route of Snap Chat.

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